The Forum of Labour Market Ministers to hold consultations on labour market transfer agreements
Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers reinforced their commitment to collaborate on key opportunities and challenges facing the Canadian workforce and agreed to work together to conduct broad-based consultations on the annual $3 billion investment in labour market transfer agreements to ensure they are responsive to the needs of Canadians. Ministers made the announcement on June 28 after a videoconference meeting of the Forum of Labour Market Ministers (FLMM), where they also approved next steps for the creation of the Labour Market Information Council.
Consultations will take place over the summer months to gather perspectives from a broad range of stakeholders to look at ways to improve the transfer agreements and inform future investments. This work will help support provincial and territorial employment and training programs that address labour market needs in a fast-changing economy. These consultations will be held across Canada, online and through written submissions with a wide range of experts, stakeholders and individual Canadians. Information regarding these consultations will be posted on the FLMM website.