Canada’s Voice for the Employment and Training Sector

Dr. Donna E. Wood presents governance arrangements post-devolution in all provinces and territories before the HUMA Committee


Dr. Donna E. Wood appeared on June 10, 2014, before the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) regarding the study of Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDAs).

Dr. Donna E. Wood presented governance arrangements post-devolution of employment services in all provinces and territories. She argues that devolution has led to many positive outcomes. Provincial governments have now developed a significant capacity, expertise, and knowledge in the policy domain. The current agreements have provided provinces with enough flexibility to match programming to local conditions, thereby improving program effectiveness. Three suggestions are presented regarding the clarification of federal-provincial roles and responsibilities.

First, that our 14 governments collectively undertake to reform and expand the Forum of Labour Market Ministers. Second, that a new national agency be created − the Canadian Institute for Labour Market Information (CILMI) − charged with identifying, maintaining and disseminating labour market information. Third, that federal and provincial governments finish the work needed to consolidate, affirm and fully operationalize the devolution decision.

Read the full presentation
